Website & mobile apps are your online addresses. We take pride in our designing team's ability and skills. We at Cross Connexions, have a result oriented approach and no thumb rule for designing. This gives our team enough room to experiment and come out with fresh ideas. Each design is functional as well as simple. Gone are the days when complex structure of websites depicted skillset of designers. KISS is back and back with a bang! The users today are not looking at "just" functions but are focussed on gettig answers to what they are searching for instantly. Whether you have a well planned, documented files of web and mobile designs; OR you just got an idea while sipping a cup of coffee.. if you have a thought, we will give it a reality for you. Drop us an email at and we shall revert with a proposal meeting your requirements.
Website Designing

At Cross Connexions, we understand how important it is to have a website with complete information and usability as per target audience. Unlike many companies, we do not try to put your website in a template box. First and foremost is to understand your industry and target audience. Our team will start right from information design to give best UX. Once we have pulled up a wireframe, we try to play around with colors and the usage patterns of the consumer in selected domain. Brain storming sessions on each design element is analyzed before deployment. We have many online tools to do browser testing but what sets us apart is - real user testing!

Microsite Designing

Imagine you are running a hospital website with everything under one big menu! Quite a task to move around, eh? Now imagine a smaller website mentioning about Neurology, other one for Endocrinology and so on. Still having same look and feel, this gives marketeers enough space to promote a particular service. Users have become quite sophisticated and they want to see what they are searching. Microsite designing is just not about putting things in a container, but it requires thorough understanding which will help you in reinforcing an offering, launch a new wing of services or promotion purposes. At Cross Connexions, we create rich interactive microsites and landing pages to give your website traffic a real boost.

Web Maintenance

Great you are online! But are you keeping your website updated? Is the website being monitored? Are backups done regularly? Is it current as per your works?

We at Cross Connexions, will take utmost care in keeping your website live and running. Only changing and updating your website is not important; what's equally important is keeping it up with new technologies. We suggest you changes to your website from time to time to keep it active. Fixing bugs and optimizing it to engage more customers/revisitors is necessary and it is thus, imperative that you hire an expert to keep your website up and running at all times. You can hire our comprehensive services OR customize from range of services to suit your needs.

Redesigning & Redevelopment

Whether you are changing some component of your online presence, a backend CMS or just want to go ahead for a new attractive design, the first question you need to ask yourself is for whom?

We have seen that very often companies isolate their end-users, customers, visitors, investors and select a design that appeals them. It is one of the worst practices. Thorough analysis of current user pattern and functionality is a pre-requisite to any redesign process. Once that is done, limiting variable factors is a must on to-do list. At Cross Connexions, our redesign process provides you a comprehensive service encompassing everything from pre-design phase to post-launch phase. Re-discover the new you!

Support for Open Source

Many software companies have used proprietary systems for long and have incurred high operational & licensing costs. At Cross Connexions, we have supported open source since the very beginning. Whether it is a knowledge management system, ERP or CRM, we have team of experts across various technologies who will make conscious effort to customize the application as per your need.

Have been using a proprietary system and now want to start with OSS? Worry no more! We can help you migrate to open source system and will also assist you in training resources to operate the new system. Whether it is a web based hosted application OR a standalone application, we have developed expert support in open source software.

Mobile sites

With smartphones taking over majority of mobility market, imagine how many visitors would like to visit your website from their mobile? Have you redesigned your website to give a good user experience? Does your website support functionalities like tap to call?

It is necessary to get your web elements repositioned and adjusted as per the mobile device. Visitor from a mobile device is very different from a visitor who visits from a desktop. At Cross Connexions, we understand the difference in their usability and the way they will interact with your website.

Application Development

With more than 70% of internet users accessing internet from their mobile devices, it is imperative that you develop a new touchpoint for them. It is about building better relationships and loyal consumer base by providing them access right from their device. It should not be confused with responsive design. Responsive design will give the information at their finger tips "while they are online". What about times when their network drops? Or for an investor who wants to access your press report?

Want to develop a game? Or a standalone system to have your vendors and employees interact with your internal information? At Cross Connexions, we have deep understanding of mobile platforms and interactions with varied technologies. With a team of graphic designers, illustrators and animators, we can meet your needs for game and snippet development as well.

Responsive Web Design

Day by day, the number of devices, platforms, and browsers that interact with your website grows. Responsive design represents a fundamental shift in designing websites for website to look good, be usable and presents relevant information across all platforms and browsers.

To try it out, open our website on a desktop browser & start resizing the browser window in horizontal direction. The idea is to present your content in a readable format without making it difficult for the visitor to navigate through the website.

Shopping Carts

eCommerce is the new way of shopping! From kids to elderly, every one is hooked to their computer, smart devices for ordering variety of services or products. It is not only easy but also 24x7. Are you selling something online?

At Cross Connexions, we have developed expertise in integrating variety of shopping carts from open source solutions like zencart, opencart, tomatocart to customized solutions. It is important to keep it secure, user friendly and simple, yet fully functional. Shopping cart integrations are quite easy when done in isolation but are quite complex when you factor in security, system integrations to list a few things.

Online Store

Are you selling something offline? Have you considered opportunities that you can benefit from by going online? With Cross Connexions, you can have your own customized store selling across world. Selling online is the new wave in marketing. It not only opens up to whole new world of opportunities but also gives your brand a much wider visibility.

Whether you are a startup or a have a full blown store, at Cross Connexions we can develop integrated solution for you. Right from procurement, invoicing, order management, supply management to delivery integration along with shipment tracking options. Its as easy as 1,2,3.. start selling!

Payment Gateways

eCommerce is the new way of selling.. but how will you accept payments online? How will you get money from people outside your country? What are the rates? Is it secure?

At Cross Connexions, we can meet all these needs. We can get a payment gateway for your company and negotiate a better rate. Of course, you can do it yourself as well but with experience we have learnt quite a few things about payment gateways and rates. We believe in providing you a complete solution while you do what you do best - manage your store! Send in complete company details for requesting information about payment gateway. Do not forget to include your registered business name in your country.

Hosting & Domains Whether you wish to book a domain OR you wish to have a fancy email address OR you wish to host a website.. Cross Connexions, can give you services to meet all these requirements and more.

Our hosting is customized as per your requirements and instead of having a fit for all plan, we can tailor make your plans according to your requirements. From hosting a website OR an application, we cater to many businesses. We have separate email marketing servers, thus, we can offer you prime mail servers with premium bandwidth and 99% availability. This gives flexibility as well as 100% deliverability to each dollar you invest. It can't get better than this, can it? What are you waiting for? Contact us for all your hosting & domain needs.

Content Management Systems

Content Management System also known as CMS websites is a technology that gives complete control to the owner of the system. With CMS system updating websites in realtime becomes quite an easy task with reducing costs at the same time.

Today many CMS systems like joomla, drupal, mambo, magento etc are trusted by many individuals, businesses, non-profits, educators, governments, and other organizations across world for creating enaging, interative personal and corporate websites, ecommerce sites, social networking sites, intranets, software as a service (SaaS) products and much more. At Cross Connexions, we can build a solution from a simple website, social netwok to complex CRM and ERP systems.

Integration & Migration

Every system works with multitude of technologies and requies constant interaction. Migration or integration might be required for reasons like scaling up/down, licensing costs, technology shift, high demand, Quality of service and many more. Whatever be the reason, integration and migration across different services require understanding of both platforms and technologies.

We have successfully integrated with over various platforms, Web Services (including SOAP and REST) and databases over the years. Be it open source OR proprietary, when you talk to integrators it is impperative that an apple is compared to an apple and not an orange! This is where many companies go wrong. We understand the nature of integrations and know how to communicate with 3rd party vendors in order to get the job done.

Enterprise Systems

We have supported many startups in streamlining their business processes by giving solution to their client and vendor interactions using variety of system modules. From a simple lead management system to a full blown CRM/HRM system, at Cross Connexions we understand the design and principles and try to deliver the solution which is right for you.

We have supported open source technologies since the very beginning. We have seen companies complain about open source systems; however, on looking closely we found a simple problem - Generic implementation for all. Implementing such systems require thorough understanding of business processes as well as it requires sound technical knowledge so that both can co-exist in a cohesive environment.

Scalable Infrastructure

It is important that your intranet is scalable with view of future. Studies show that most organizations outrun their infrastructure by the time they implement the new infrastructure. To answer such a situation, what you need is a scalable system that grows with the business. The system should be readily available and should have a capacity to service high demand peaks. Our solution architect can help you make an informed decision by forecasting your future needs based on various patterns.

Cloud is the new future. We have specialized in hosting as well as system designing that can scale fully as per your requirements on cloud architecture. Drop in a few lines describing your requirements and our solution architect will get in touch with you for complete build solution. You can mail your enterprise queries at