Digital is the new future! It is quite remarkable to say that & equally important to implement marketing techniques to ensure that you get 360 degrees of marketing implemented using cohesive & effective channels.

Digital media has replaced traditional media unimaginably. Traditional medium gave you time to synthesize and process information; it gave your competitors time to react & streamline their marketing artillery. Digital age replaced all that with instant access to information at your finger tips. All you have to do is, surf! Thus, we recommend online marketing should be given its due respect in your marketing budgets.

Digital marketing is just not a single service but it is a portfolio. If you have something in mind which we have not listed here, do not hesitate to drop us an email at and we shall revert with a proposal meeting your requirements.
Paid Target Marketing

Reach the consumers through out internet, across borders, right to the pages that they are viewing. Ranging from Pay Per Click options to display ads, our team will take care of complete end to end inorganic marketing needs.

Not every product is suited for a particular advertising model OR network; and that is where you need to hire expert who can manage multiple advertising channels for you. From target audience to acquire bounced traffic, we can give your brand a complete presence upto 5 tiers.

Following are the few service addons that we deliver in comprehensive service campaigns management, user experience, visit/time drill reports, geographies, keyword research & terming, KW Density Management, Design & Content Management, Landing page optimization & bucket managment, bid management - realtime, projected & staggered.

Leave your technical worries with us & our team will work with all these tools at backend without even letting you know that they are working literally on each single visitor on your website. Now that is what we call comprehensive!

Email Marketing

If you are online, you are already sending out emails! Even if you do not have a website OR your-domain-name, you are using emails! It is a crucial tool to communicate and be connected with your internal and external customers. BUT are you giving it its due?

Are you tracking your email campaigns? Are the emails being sent just-in-time for your consumers to take actions at the time that you intend them to? Or are the emails just blasted and it is assumed, they would have done something with it.

To create an effective brand recall, one must take measures in putting your brand out. Studies have shown time and again, more than 60% revenue is delivered through existing network of consumers in retail. And still many organizations are unable to grasp long term benefits of effective mailing techniques.

We at Cross Connexions, not only help you through email lifecycle through out the customer interaction but also will assist you in content writing, updations, graphic designing, distribution and detailed reports for your email marketing campaigns. Act now! Create Brand Resonance!

Affiliate Marketing

In affiliate marketing, an affiliate - a smaller company, is paid out a commission when a visitor from his website buys/signs-up for your product. Since the affiliate only makes a small commission on the product sale, they try to maximize their revenue by further marketing to smaller networks which is a bad practice. Many marketing companies, today offer affiliate marketing as a part of Internet marketing without shelling out what are the associated costs.

Affiliate marketing works well as smaller companies often wish to earn commissions by showing ads. They are not worried about your brand value or the lineage. This is where most companies fail. Understanding the market, product/service specification & affiliate selection is rather a tedious process. Affiliate marketing is not for everyone!

To sit at the top of affiliates network, require a very rigorous approach towards affiliate pruning. At Cross Connexions, we ensure that your affiliates are servicing ads in right domain & not to a lower tier of brands. That is where we step in pruning & save your brand from diluting its image. It is often said - "Exclusive is not for masses but for a select few".

Article Marketing

One of the best approaches other than link building is article marketing. It is often left out of the commanding portfolio as it is quite tedious and sluggish in response. For article marketing campaign, to be success, it is essential to understand the potential customers. It is important to understand their interests and likes. Based on historic data available with the organization, we at Cross Connexions, start by putting things together.

Each visitor who comes through article marketing OR organic medium are generally known to be good investors OR educated prospective consumers. They are not impulse buyers/investors. Thus, it is necessary to put articles which are optimized, well thought and structured for each network before submission.

You can hire Cross Connexions to do a complete writeup and distribution. Our writers will engage in brain storming sessions and explore the domain area painstakingly before dwelling in further. Often the organization provides us with domains & relevant knowledge. The article writer than presents the structure such that it is functional, delightful and enlightening for the target user. While writing articles, it is observed that the content matches keywords as required, the density of keyword is as per the networks' submission policies, the SEO score and much more. Showcase your thoughts!

Message Marketing

Digital market is incomplete without targeting users through services like SMS, Push Messages, WhatsApp Messages, Blackberry Messages & more. Using targeted SMS& Whatsapp services, Cross Connexions can help bring a new world of exposure to your product, service, or event with the convenience of SMS & Whatsapp marketing.

It is as easy as 1,2,3 and go! Why should I hire an expert like Cross Connexions? Well, it is as easy as 1,2,3 but it is equally important to reach right at the the right time. We have multiple switch tie-ups that means reliable and higher deliverability. Not only we deliver at right time; but we also manage your ongoing communications by variety of reporting techniques ranging from network associations to penetration studies which are proprietary to our company.

It is no more an isolated marketing tool. Messaging gives multitude of options to engage actively, in realtime with your consumers. Delivering bulk SMS to your existing visitors, to acquiring new participants for event or a launch, or just a plea. We do it all in an efficient manner for you. Voice Messaging, is another effective media for getting your voice noticed. We have bulk voice messaging and IVR campaigns which can be deployed for variety of campaigns like surveys, informatory, request for input and many more.
Engage with your audience now!


If you are not searchable, you are not present! Just being present online will not make your business grow. You need to be found! Your business needs to build an image and that is where Search Engine Optimization comes in. Driving traffic to your website is as important as getting your flyers printed! It can be organic, inorganic (See Paid Services)

At Cross Connexions, we provide comprehensive SEO service which includes but is not limited to - Keyword Research, Title Tag Optimization, Meta Tag Placements & optimization, W3C Validation, Page Rank Scuplting, Search Engine Submissions, Directory Submissions, Link Building & farming, Link Development, PR submissions & optimization.

It is a time taking, long term and often a boring job. It may take many weeks before you start seeing noticeable uprise in traffic; but with perseverance and painstaking efforts our team will constantly review & fine tune your SEO campaigns with Cross Connexions. Let's make your address searchable!

Content Writing

It is not "just content writing". It is blending top ranking keywords with your content without disrupting the flow & gist of the content. Over stuffing keywords OR putting loosely associated keywords, will attract a negative score. That is just 1 tip to avoid slipping down ranks.

At Cross Connexions, our SEO writers are trained on intertwining keywords and content to give your website not only a better rank but also quality content. It is important to write content in well structured and well formulated language. Content writing is incomplete without a thorough proofread, editing and further scrutiny by another SEO technical lead.

Many companies that we have worked with, started from NO SEO or BAD SEO. No SEO is far better than bad SEO. A typical example of bad SEO is having your content written with excessive focus on SEO and thus, making your content look dull OR irrelevant. It is known as keyword stuffing. Relevant content with just right keyword density is the key to success.

Article Submission

You have an article & want to distribute it? We have gained experience not only in writing & copywriting but also in article submission services. Many of the companies understand the importance of submissions but have no clue where to go for such services.

At Cross Connexions, we not only submit the article but we verify it before submission. We call it pre-flight check; in case your article does not meet the network's requirement, we have a team of in-house content writers who can rewrite the article for you.

At Cross Connexions, we understand the importance of each submission. Thus, every submission is done manually through a series of checks. A physical email address is provided so that we can keep in touch with the network/customers regularly. We understand SEO limitations and follow strict 'by-the-book' techniques to avoid negative rankings while submissions. Our team constantly evolves while learning newer standards, technologies and practices, thus, keeping every submission well in line evolving standards. Don't be a sitting duck; give your article its due exposure!

Directory Submission

YAY! I'm online.. what's next? We all have faced this as a developer OR an owner. It is very important to design your website in line with your submission categories. Often websites are designed to include generic information on a set of few pages.

At Cross Connexions, we submit your website manually after analyzing traffic sources & geographies. There are hundreds of search engines and there are many directories to submit your website to. It is important to understand your target market category, positioning and your competition domain. Often, website owners are faced with false competition viz. they are competing with websites with related product offerings rather than a direct competition. On the other hand, in some industries it acts as a marketing strategy.

At Cross Connexions, we understand where and when to submit your website. Rest assured, your website will be submitted & regular follow ups will be done for your website. If a microsite development is required, our team shall assist you in defining new categories & developing microsite in accordance with the submission policy. Make your online presence felt!

Link Building

Year 2014 started with many marketing companies crying that with guest blogging and secured search engine, building traffic has gone down the drain. WRONG! Simply put, the quality matters now and pattern analysis sits at heart of the problem.

Imagine a single human being trying to post comments, blog, submitting links and articles for everything ranging from automobile to cake recipes to big corporate companies. That is not possible! Even if it is, it is a bad practice. At Cross Connexions, we engage actively while doing link building. What is active engagement? A set of geeks, will set out with a hand full of related categories of websites. Someone who is doing link building for automobile might do the same for ball bearings used in automobiles but he/she will not do it for a company dealing in telecom OR software company.

We believe, that link building services are essentially a way to garner natural and organic traffic. It is a constant and much engaging activity which should be adopted on year to year basis. Our team will ensure that upcoming & newer technologies like LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) are adhered to while submissions. Don't be a zombie, engage actively!

Social Media

Studies have shown how social media has taken a lead ahead in recent times in terms of user engagement, brand building and brand recognition. Many companies started with engaging external investors/customers have started initiatives to engage with human resources and internal customers of the organization; thereby, increasing brand recognition as well doing internal marketing which has become equally important in recent times.

Social Media Optimization vs Social Media Marketing

SMO is a brand building process. It gives your brand visibility, spreads awareness and builds reputation by having active engagement with the visitors. Many event organizations use SMO as a tool to keep a tab on their visitors and target market. Off late, many corporate houses, have started engaging SMO to develop stronger ties with their customers/vendors by harnessing informal grapevines. It also gives insight to human resources & gaps in current management practices. Therefore, interacting with target audience on blogs, twitter, linkedin, facebook, youtube, Pinterest, Google+ and other social networks maximises your business' visibility and thus, in turn drives higher traffic from participants who comments OR interact with those customers.

Social Media Marketing is the process of creating engaging content and distributing it via social networks like Facebook, Google+, YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest, Linkedin etc to promote your product or service offering. It is a more active and engaging process compared to SMO. Many ad campaigns have seen viral marketing through effective SMM. From electoral campaigns to product launches to teasers, SMM can create a wave of visitors which is shared with their peers and thus, completing 6 degrees of individual marketing.
Create the buzz about your brand now!

The biggest question - how much to tweet/re-tweet OR how many to follow OR be followed? The algorithms have changed and will change again to ensure that your community of users/bloggers/tweeters are active and engaging. At Cross Connexions, we give you complete package to manage all your social media needs.

  • Audit: We will give you complete analysis of current social media standing of your brand.
  • Active Mangement: From creating and managing multiple campaigns to increasing your network & userbase.
  • Content Development & Promotion: What to promote? How to spread the word across faster? These are few of those things where we specialize.
  • Media Monitoring: Promoting is futile if it is not monitored. It is important to monitor what is being talked about your brand and measures are to be taken to effectively communicate with your target audience.

There are many more social networks & private networks, where we place your ads depending upon your domain & industry. From creating an app to build loyal consumer base to incentivizing participation, we will make engaging campaigns. Remember social network is a push marketing strategy & thus, a stand-alone proposition will reap no OR negligible results; it should be bundled with pull strategy to ensure wider audience.Drop in a line & let's get buzzing!

Online Reputation Management

With more than 80% of users gaining access to internet, smartphones, tablets, the risk of running across a crisis being reported over social networks has grown manifolds. Companies have seen wrath of social media content being posted over variety of networks be it from a bad service, to a faulty product or as small as manager being rude over the counter.

ORM can be tackled by Proactive Management OR Reactive Management. Proactive management is a pre-emptive technique and requires a continuous reputation protection. The latter involved handing reactions to a recent crisis as a result of volley of negative comments. It is always better to have a proactive approach rather than a forced reactive approach. Both approaches require a thorough interaction with PR & media of the brand.

The power of online social media sites can enhance your company’s brand and produce amazing results. On the flip-side, the tide of opinion can swamp your business with enough negative comments to drop the hatchet on you and your business. So, here are some considerations about working against the sweeping tide of negativity.

At Cross Connexions, ORM manager will assist in keeping tab of major websites where consumers are known to file complaints. Websites/auditors which are specific to your industry can be tracked and close ties can help us take preventive measures. Each ORM solution is different from one client to other; however, they all require same amount of effort and strategically requires one to handle complaints within the website instead of having them shouted over social media. We all make mistakes; that is how brands grow. However, many companies try to get the complaints removed. We strictly refrain from such practice and instead, we believe in fixing it. Act before you are forced to act!

Online Privacy

If you are online, your data is for sale! With digital footprint becoming larger every day, we live our lives with being connected online 24x7. Technological advances are both for good and bad.

Being discussed online - positive or negative, exposes your personal information online. Now imagine most of the secure passwords and other sensitive information that you have, online and offline, are at risk of being exposed. Security experts always recommend that precaution is better than cure. Early days in internet prompted many of us to sign up for array of email services, social networks which are no more in use, gophers and bulletin boards. This is known as digital footprint. So it increases with time.

At Cross Connexions, we will assist you in switching off from internet. We can assist in reputation repair and management, by pushing your positive reviews and comments up; burying your negative comments down under the pile. However, to be completely off from internet, it will take constant effort from your end as well as our end. Our users have reported reduction of 80% - 90% internet results in first 8 months alone. Request for a consultation now!